
numerary adjunct, piece; single


個 gè
  • individual
  • this
  • that
  • size
  • classifier for people or objects in general
  • variant of 個|个[ge4]


個 stroke order diagram


我勒去 wǒ lè ge qù (slang) shoot!; crap!
兒 chuō gè r physique
打一巴掌,給甜棗 dǎ yī bā zhang , gěi gè tián zǎo lit. to give sb a slap, then offer a sweet date (idiom); fig. to deal harshly with sb, then offer sth by way of consolation
手 lā ge shǒu to hold hands
āi gè one by one; in turn
兒 āi gè r erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[ai1 ge4]
兒 huàn gè r to change places; to swap places
zhěng gè whole; entire; total
地球 zhěng gè dì qiú the whole world
明兒 míng r ge (coll.) tomorrow
昨兒 zuó r ge (coll.) yesterday
次一 cì yī gè next one (in order)
人 měi ge rén everybody; everyone
dú gè alone
zhēn gè really; truly; indeed
兒 ǎi gè r a person of short stature; a short person
第一層次 dì yī gè céng cì the first stage
第二人 dì èr ge rén the second person; (fig.) someone else; third party
第五現代化 dì wǔ gè xiàn dài huà fifth modernization, i.e. democracy, cf Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations 鄧小平|邓小平, 四個現代化|四个现代化
兒 zì gě r (dialect) oneself; by oneself
zhú gè one by one; one after another
這些 zhè xiē ge these
zhè ge this; this one
過了這村就沒這店 guò le zhè ge cūn jiù méi zhè ge diàn past this village, you won't find this shop (idiom); this is your last chance
nà ge that one; that thing; that (as opposed to this); (used before a verb or adjective for emphasis); (used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word); (used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc); (euph.) menstruation; sex; also pr. [nei4 ge5]