
come, coming; return, returning


來 lái
  • to come
  • to arrive
  • to come round
  • ever since
  • next


來 stroke order diagram


即將臨 jí jiāng lái lín imminent
卷土重 juǎn tǔ chóng lái lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom); fig. to regroup and come back even stronger; to make a comeback
yuán lái original; former; originally; formerly; at first; so, actually, as it turns out
了 yòu lái le Here we go again.
反過 fǎn guo lái conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction
反過說 fǎn guò lái shuō on the other hand
gǔ lái since ancient times; it has ever been the case that; see also 自古以來|自古以来[zi4 gu3 yi3 lai2]
古往今 gǔ wǎng jīn lái since ancient times; since times immemorial
吃不 chī bu lái to be unaccustomed to certain food; to not be keen on certain food
合不 hé bù lái unable to get along together; incompatible
合得 hé de lái to get along well; compatible; also written 和得來|和得来[he2 de5 lai2]
xiàng lái always (previously)
否極泰 pǐ jí tài lái extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)
周恩 zhōu ēn lái Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese communist leader, prime minister 1949-1976
呼之即 hū zhī jí lái to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call
呼之即,揮之即去 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call
喝去 hū lái hè qù to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders; always bossing people around
和得 hé de lái to get along well; compatible; also written 合得來|合得来[he2 de5 lai2]
哭得死去活 kū de sǐ qù huó lái to cry one's heart out
喘不過氣 chuǎn bu guò qì lái to be unable to breathe
登 xǐ lái dēng Sheraton (hotel chain)
嚴格說 yán gé lái shuō strictly speaking
嚴格講 yán gé lái jiǎng strictly speaking
huí lai to return; to come back
米 zài lái mǐ long-grained non-glutinous rice (Tw)