
come, coming; return, returning


來 lái
  • to come
  • to arrive
  • to come round
  • ever since
  • next


來 stroke order diagram


傾巢犯 qīng cháo lái fàn to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom)
yuán lái variant of 原來|原来[yuan2 lai2]
後到 xiān lái hòu dào in order of arrival; first come, first served
全世界無產者聯合起 quán shì jiè wú chǎn zhě lián hé qǐ lai Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!; Workers of the world, unite!
兩國相爭,不斬使 liǎng guó xiāng zhēng , bù zhǎn lái shǐ when two kingdoms are at war, they don't execute envoys (idiom)
將擋,水土掩 bīng lái jiàng dǎng , shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation
將敵,水土堰 bīng lái jiàng dí , shuǐ lái tǔ yàn counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation
有自 qí lái yǒu zì there is a reason for it; (of sth) not incidental
chū lái to come out; to appear; to arise
chu lai (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect)
混遲早要還的 chū lái hùn chí zǎo yào huán de if you live a life of crime, sooner or later you'll pay for it
划不 huá bu lái not worth it
划得 huá de lái worth it; it pays to
乍到 chū lái zhà dào to be a newcomer; just off the boat
無恙 bié lái wú yàng (literary) I trust you have been well since we last met
dào lái to arrive; arrival; advent
到頭 dào tóu lái in the end; finally; as a result
前不見古人,後不見者 qián bù jiàn gǔ rén , hòu bù jiàn lái zhě unique; unprecedented (idiom)
qián lái to come (formal); before; previously
前無古人後無者 qián wú gǔ rén hòu wú lái zhě to surpass all others of its kind before and since; to have neither predecessors nor successors
海峽 jiā lái hǎi xiá Strait of Calais in the English channel; Strait of Dover; Pas-de-Calais, département of France
北卡羅納 běi kǎ luó lái nà North Carolina, US state
北卡羅納州 běi kǎ luó lái nà zhōu North Carolina, US state
南卡羅納 nán kǎ luó lái nà South Carolina, US state
南卡羅納州 nán kǎ luó lái nà zhōu South Carolina, US state