third person pronoun; he, she, this, that



  • third person pronoun
  • he, she, this, that
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq
  • abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  • (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she")
  • second person singular pronoun ("you")
  • (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she")
  • (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning
  • that (preceding a noun)


伊 stroke order diagram
伊 stroke order animation


卡尔扎 kǎ ěr zā yī Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politician, president 2004-2014
卡爾紮 kǎ ěr zā yī Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politician, president 2004-2014
哈梅内 hā méi nèi yī Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei
哈梅內 hā méi nèi yī Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei
尔 duō yī ěr Doyle (name)
爾 duō yī ěr Doyle (name)
尤里斯・文思 yóu lǐ sī ・ yī wén sī Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist
兰大学 bā yī lán dà xué Bar-Ilan University, in Israel
蘭大學 bā yī lán dà xué Bar-Ilan University, in Israel
爾 zhā yī ěr Zaire
改订犁条约 gǎi dìng yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
改訂犁條約 gǎi dìng yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
木乃化 mù nǎi yī huà to mummify; mummification
运 dōng yī yùn abbr. for 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動|东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Yi1 si1 lan2 Yun4 dong4] East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
運 dōng yī yùn abbr. for 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動|东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Yi1 si1 lan2 Yun4 dong4] East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
东突厥斯坦斯兰运动 dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán yùn dòng East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
東突厥斯坦斯蘭運動 dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán yùn dòng East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
沙姆沙赫 shā mǔ shā yī hè Sharm el-Sheikh, city in Egypt
泰米尔拉姆猛虎解放组织 tài mǐ ěr yī lā mǔ měng hǔ jiě fàng zǔ zhī Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
泰米爾拉姆猛虎解放組織 tài mǐ ěr yī lā mǔ měng hǔ jiě fàng zǔ zhī Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
岭 wū yī lǐng Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
嶺 wū yī lǐng Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
岭区 wū yī lǐng qū Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
嶺區 wū yī lǐng qū Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
特洛木马 tè luò yī mù mǎ Trojan horse