third person pronoun; he, she, this, that



  • third person pronoun
  • he, she, this, that
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq
  • abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  • (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she")
  • second person singular pronoun ("you")
  • (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she")
  • (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning
  • that (preceding a noun)


伊 stroke order diagram
伊 stroke order animation


爾庫茨克 yī ěr kù cí kè Irkutsk
犁 yī lí the Ili river basin around Turpan in Xinjiang; abbr. for 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture
犁哈萨克自治州 yī lí hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
犁哈薩克自治州 yī lí hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
犁河 yī lí hé Ili River in central Asia
犁盆地 yī lí pén dì the Yili basin around Urumqi in Xinjiang
瑞克提翁庙 yī ruì kè tí wēng miào the Erechteum, Athens
瑞克提翁廟 yī ruì kè tí wēng miào the Erechteum, Athens
瑪目 yī mǎ mù imam (Islam) (loanword)
甸園 yī diàn yuán Garden of Eden
留申 yī liú shēn Ilyushin, Russian plane maker
科病毒 yī kē bìng dú echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterovirus)
莉萨白 yī lì sà bái Elizabeth (name); also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白
莉薩白 yī lì sà bái Elizabeth (name); also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白
莱克斯 yī lái kè sī Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)
萊克斯 yī lái kè sī Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)
万卡 yī wàn kǎ Ivanka (name)
萬卡 yī wàn kǎ Ivanka (name)
薩卡 yī sà kǎ Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯; Ithaca NY, location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔
藤博文 yī téng bó wén ITŌ Hirobumi (1841-1909), Japanese Meiji restoration politician, prime minister on four occasions, influential in Japanese expansionism in Korea, assassinated in Harbin
通 yī tōng Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin
通河 yī tōng hé Yitong River in Siping 四平[Si4 ping2], Jilin
通满族自治县 yī tōng mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin
通滿族自治縣 yī tōng mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin
通火山群 yī tōng huǒ shān qún Yitong volcanic area in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin