third person pronoun; he, she, this, that



  • third person pronoun
  • he, she, this, that
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq
  • abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  • (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she")
  • second person singular pronoun ("you")
  • (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she")
  • (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning
  • that (preceding a noun)


伊 stroke order diagram
伊 stroke order animation


斯蘭國 yī sī lán guó Muslim countries; caliphate; Islamic State group (aka IS or ISIL or ISIS)
斯蘭堡 yī sī lán bǎo Islamabad, capital of Pakistan
斯蘭教 yī sī lán jiào Islam
斯兰会议组织 yī sī lán huì yì zǔ zhī Organization of the Islamic Conference
斯蘭會議組織 yī sī lán huì yì zǔ zhī Organization of the Islamic Conference
斯兰圣战组织 yī sī lán shèng zhàn zǔ zhī Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)
斯蘭聖戰組織 yī sī lán shèng zhàn zǔ zhī Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)
斯兰马巴德 yī sī lán mǎ bā dé Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw)
斯蘭馬巴德 yī sī lán mǎ bā dé Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw)
于胡底 yī yú hú dǐ where will it stop?
於胡底 yī yú hú dǐ where will it stop?
春 yī chūn Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang
春区 yī chūn qū Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang
春區 yī chūn qū Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang
春市 yī chūn shì Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China
普西隆 yī pǔ xī lóng epsilon (Greek letter Εε)
朗宪监会 yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran
朗憲監會 yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran
比利亞 yī bǐ lì yà Iberia; the Iberian peninsula
比利亚半岛 yī bǐ lì yà bàn dǎo Iberian Peninsula
比利亞半島 yī bǐ lì yà bàn dǎo Iberian Peninsula
水 yī shuǐ Yi river in west Henan, tributary of North Luo river 洛河|洛河[Luo4 he2]
洛瓦底 yī luò wǎ dǐ Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)
洛瓦底三角洲 yī luò wǎ dǐ sān jiǎo zhōu Irrawaddy delta in south Myanmar (Burma)
洛瓦底江 yī luò wǎ dǐ jiāng Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)