
price, value

HSK 4 #409


价 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
价 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant



biàn jià to appraise at the current rate
财产值 cái chǎn jià zhí property value
资产值 zī chǎn jià zhí value of assets
shú jià price paid to redeem an object; (religion) price paid to redeem sb; ransom
tiào jià price jump
跳楼 tiào lóu jià extremely low price; knockdown price
pèi jià (linguistics) valence; valency
zhòng jià high price
重新评 chóng xīn píng jià a re-evaluation; to re-assess
jiàn jià to appraise; appraisal; valuation
xiàn jià limit on price
阶梯计 jiē tī jì jià volumetric pricing; tiered pricing; differential pricing
离岸 lí àn jià free on board (FOB) (transportation)
震天响 zhèn tiān ga xiǎng an earth-shaking noise (idiom)
营养值 yíng yǎng jià zhí nutritional value; the worth or importance of nutrients contained in food
门票格 mén piào jià gé ticket price; the cost of admission to a park or other venue
高度评 gāo dù píng jià highly praise; high evaluation; commendation