HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 13th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.3) |
INDEX # | 273 |
adjunct pronoun indicate plural
们 men |

我们 wǒ men | we; us; ourselves; our |
咱们 zán men | we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] |
他们 tā men | they |
你们 nǐ men | you (plural) |
它们 tā men | they (for inanimate objects) |
她们 tā men | they; them (for females) |
人们 rén men | people |
哥们 gē men | Brothers!; brethren; dude (colloquial); brother (diminutive form of address between males) |
哥们儿 gē men r | erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5] |
爷们 yé men | menfolk (collective term for men of different generations); husbands and their fathers etc |
娘儿们 niáng r men | (dialect) woman; wife |
图们 tú mén | Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin |
亚们 yà men | Amon (son of Manasseh) |
图们市 tú mén shì | Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin |
图们江 tú mén jiāng | Tumen river in Jilin province 吉林省, forming the eastern border between China and North Korea |
孩子们 hái zi men | children |
弟兄们 dì xiōng men | brothers; comrades; men; brethren |
爷们儿 yé men r | erhua variant of 爺們|爷们[ye2 men5] |
亲们 qīn men | darlings; fans; followers; short form of 親愛的們|亲爱的们 |
铁哥们 tiě gē men | (coll.) very close male friends |
铁哥们儿 tiě gē men r | erhua variant of 鐵哥們|铁哥们[tie3 ge1 men5] |
阿们 ā men | amen (loanword) |
乡亲们 xiāng qīn men | fellow villagers; people from the same village or town |
同学们 tóng xué mén | classmates; fellow students |
神们 shén men | gods; deities; divine beings |