HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 5th character |
RADICAL | ⼅ (6.1) |
INDEX # | 17 |
to finish; particle of completed action
了 le |
了 liǎo |
了 liào |

为了 wèi le | in order to; for the purpose of; so as to |
了解 liǎo jiě | to understand; to realize; to find out |
除了 chú le | besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for) |
受不了 shòu bù liǎo | unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand |
了不起 liǎo bu qǐ | amazing; terrific; extraordinary |
不得了 bù dé liǎo | desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly |
大不了 dà bù liǎo | at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming |
一目了然 yī mù liǎo rán | obvious at a glance (idiom) |
极了 jí le | extremely; exceedingly |
罢了 bà le | a modal particle indicating (that's all, only, nothing much) |
罢了 bà liǎo | a modal particle indicating (don't mind it, ok) |
说了算 shuō le suàn | to have the final say; to be the one in charge |
得了 dé le | all right!; that's enough! |
得了 dé liǎo | (emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible |
了结 liǎo jié | to settle; to finish; to conclude; to wind up |
对了 duì le | Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention); Oh, by the way, ... |
完了 wán le | to be finished; to be done for; ruined; gone to the dogs; oh no |
没完没了 méi wán méi liǎo | without end; incessantly; on and on |
明了 míng liǎo | to understand clearly; to be clear about; plain; clear; also written 明瞭|明了[ming2 liao3] |
了如指掌 liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng | to know sth like the back of one's hand (idiom); to know (a person, a place etc) inside out; variant of 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] |
了断 liǎo duàn | to bring to a conclusion; to settle (a dispute); to do away with (oneself); to break off (a relationship); resolution (of a problem) |
受得了 shòu de liǎo | to put up with; to endure |
直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng | direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt; straightforward |
忘不了 wàng bù liǎo | cannot forget |
未了 wèi liǎo | unfinished; outstanding (business); unfulfilled |