
book, letter, document; writings

HSK 1 #282


  • book, letter, document
  • writings
  • abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]
  • book
  • letter
  • document
  • CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]
  • to write


书 stroke order diagram
书 stroke order animation


约 shū yuē book contract
经 shū jīng the Book of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1], a compendium of documents which make up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the time of Confucius, also known as 尚書經|尚书经[Shang4 shu1 jing1], 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], 書|书[Shu1]
圣 shū shèng great calligraphy master; the Sage of Calligraphy, traditional reference to Wang Xizhi 王羲之[Wang2 Xi1 zhi1] (303-361)
肺 shū fèi book lung (arachnid anatomy)
腰 shū yāo (Tw) (publishing) belly band (paper sash around a book, outside the dust jacket)
虫 shū chóng bookworm
蠹 shū dù bookworm (literal and figurative); book louse; pedant
角 shū jiǎo corner of a page
记官 shū ji guān clerk of a law court
记处 shū ji chù secretariat
证 shū zhèng written evidence
迹 shū jì extant work of a calligrapher
面许可 shū miàn xǔ kě written permission; written authorization
题 shū tí book title
风 shū fēng calligraphic style
馆 shū guǎn teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers; (attached to name of publishing houses); (in former times) private school; library (of classic texts)
馆儿 shū guǎn r teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers
香门第 shū xiāng mén dì family with a literary reputation (idiom); literary family
体 shū tǐ calligraphic style; font
有声 yǒu shēng shū audiobook
bǎn shū to write on the blackboard; writing on the blackboard
豪 lín shū háo Jeremy Lin (1988-), Taiwanese-American professional basketball player (NBA)
梁唐晋汉周 liáng táng jìn hàn zhōu shū another name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史
liáng shū History of Liang of the Southern Dynasties, eighth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Yao Silian 姚思廉[Yao2 Si1 lian2] in 636 during Tang dynasty, 56 scrolls
fàn shū Brahmana, ancient Hindu texts