HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 31st character |
RADICAL | ⼄ (5.2) |
INDEX # | 66 |
also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
也 yě |

也许 yě xǔ | perhaps; maybe |
也就是说 yě jiù shì shuō | in other words; that is to say; so; thus |
再也 zài yě | (not) any more |
维也纳 wéi yě nà | Vienna, capital of Austria |
也罢 yě bà | (reduplicated) whether... or...; never mind; fine (indicating acceptance or resignation) |
也门 yě mén | Yemen |
空空如也 kōng kōng rú yě | as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft; to have nothing; vacuous; hollow; empty (argument, head etc) |
不提也罢 bù tí yě bà | best not to mention it; drop it; never mind; let's not talk about it |
不提也罷 bù tí yě bà | best not to mention it; drop it; never mind; let's not talk about it |
之乎者也 zhī hū zhě yě | lit. 之[zhi1], 乎[hu1], 者[zhe3] and 也[ye3] (four grammatical particles of Classical Chinese) (idiom); fig. archaic expressions |
也好不了多少 yě hǎo bu liǎo duō shǎo | hardly any better; just as bad |
也好不到哪里去 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù | just as bad; not much better |
也好不到哪裡去 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù | just as bad; not much better |
也就是 yě jiù shì | that is; i.e. |
也就是說 yě jiù shì shuō | in other words; that is to say; so; thus |
也有今天 yě yǒu jīn tiān | (coll.) to get one's just deserts; to serve sb right; to get one's share of (good or bad things); every dog has its day |
也罷 yě bà | (reduplicated) whether... or...; never mind; fine (indicating acceptance or resignation) |
也許 yě xǔ | perhaps; maybe |
也門 yě mén | Yemen |
人之将死,其言也善 rén zhī jiāng sǐ , qí yán yě shàn | words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb) |
人之將死,其言也善 rén zhī jiāng sǐ , qí yán yě shàn | words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb) |
来而不往非礼也 lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě | not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind |
來而不往非禮也 lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě | not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind |
吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 wú shēng yě yǒu yá , ér zhī yě wú yá | Life is short, learning is limitless; Ars longa, vita brevis |
吾生也有涯,而知也無涯 wú shēng yě yǒu yá , ér zhī yě wú yá | Life is short, learning is limitless; Ars longa, vita brevis |