no, not; un-; negative prefix

HSK 1 #4


不 bù
  • (negative prefix)
  • not
  • no


不 stroke order diagram
不 stroke order animation


合时宜 bù hé shí yí untimely; premature; inopportune; ill-timed; out of fashion; behind the times
理 bù lǐ to refuse to acknowledge; to pay no attention to; to take no notice of; to ignore
经意 bù jīng yì not paying attention; carelessly; by accident
犹豫决 yóu yù bù jué hesitancy; indecision; to waver
一动动 yī dòng bù dòng motionless
列颠 bù liè diān Britain; British; Great Britain
景气 bù jǐng qì slack; in a slump
措手及 cuò shǒu bù jí no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
深信疑 shēn xìn bù yí to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom); absolute certainty about sth
切实际 bù qiè shí jì unrealistic; impractical
形影离 xíng yǐng bù lí inseparable (as form and shadow)
可开交 bù kě kāi jiāo to be awfully (busy etc)
菲 bù fěi considerable (cost etc); bountiful (crop etc); high (social status etc)
关心 mò bù guān xīn not the least bit concerned; completely indifferent
欲生 tòng bù yù shēng to be so in pain as to not want to live; to be so grieved as to wish one were dead
求之得 qiú zhī bù dé lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
一成变 yī chéng bù biàn nothing much changes (idiom); always the same; stuck in a rut
觉 bù jué unconsciously
动 dòng bu dòng (typically followed by 就[jiu4]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc); at the drop of a hat
长生老 cháng shēng bù lǎo immortality
为例 xià bù wéi lì not to be repeated; not to be taken as a precedent; just this once
下落明 xià luò bù míng unaccounted; unknown whereabouts
可告人 bù kě gào rén hidden; kept secret; not to be divulged
成 bù chéng won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
由自主 bù yóu zì zhǔ can't help; involuntarily (idiom)