国家计划委员会 guó jiā jì huà wěi yuán huì


  1. PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會|国家发展计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 he2 Gai3 ge2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]


国 guó nation, country, nation-state
家 jiā house, home, residence; family
计 jì plan, plot; stratagem; scheme
划 huà to row or paddle boat; to scratch
委 wěi appoint, send, commission
员 yuán member; personnel, staff member
会 huì assemble, meet together; meeting