中國文學藝術界聯合會 zhōng guó wén xué yì shù jiè lián hé huì


  1. China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)
  2. abbr. to 文聯|文联


中 zhōng central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain
國 guó nation, country, nation-state
文 wén literature, culture, writing
學 xué learning, knowledge; school
藝 yì art; talent, ability; craft
術 shù art, skill, special feat; method, technique
界 jiè boundary, limit; domain; society; the world
聯 lián connect, join; associate, ally
合 hé combine, unite, join; gather
會 huì to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization