HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 603rd character |
RADICAL | ⾦ (167.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1928 |
money, currency, coins
钱 qián |

零钱 líng qián | change (of money); small change; pocket money |
本钱 běn qián | capital; (fig.) asset; advantage; the means (to do sth) |
压岁钱 yā suì qián | money given to children as new year present |
钱包 qián bāo | purse; wallet |
赚钱 zhuàn qián | to earn money; moneymaking |
金钱 jīn qián | money; currency |
价钱 jià qian | price |
花钱 huā qián | to spend money |
值钱 zhí qián | valuable; costly; expensive |
挣钱 zhèng qián | to make money |
大钱 dà qián | high denomination of banknotes or coins; lots of money; a big sum (e.g. a bribe) |
洗钱 xǐ qián | money laundering |
钱财 qián cái | wealth; money |
有钱 yǒu qián | well-off; wealthy |
工钱 gōng qián | salary; wages |
零花钱 líng huā qián | pocket money; allowance |
黑钱 hēi qián | dirty money |
赌钱 dǔ qián | to gamble |
付钱 fù qián | to pay money |
零用钱 líng yòng qián | pocket money; allowance; spending money |
省钱 shěng qián | to save money |
赔钱 péi qián | to lose money; to pay for damages |
摇钱树 yáo qián shù | a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken; a source of easy money (idiom) |
钱币 qián bì | money |
找钱 zhǎo qián | to give change |