HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 204th character |
RADICAL | ⽬ (109.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1832 |
real, actual, true, genuine
- real, actual, true, genuine
- really
- truly
- indeed
- real
- true
- genuine

认真 rèn zhēn | conscientious; earnest; serious; to take seriously; to take to heart |
真正 zhēn zhèng | genuine; real; true; genuinely |
传真 chuán zhēn | fax; facsimile |
真实 zhēn shí | true; real |
天真 tiān zhēn | naive; innocent; artless |
真相 zhēn xiàng | the truth about sth; the actual facts |
真理 zhēn lǐ | truth; CL:個|个[ge4] |
真挚 zhēn zhì | sincere; sincerity |
清真 qīng zhēn | Islamic; Muslim; halal (of food); clean; pure |
真是 zhēn shi | indeed; truly; (coll.) (used to express disapproval, annoyance etc about sth) |
真心 zhēn xīn | sincere; heartfelt; CL:片[pian4] |
真诚 zhēn chéng | true; sincere; genuine |
当真 dàng zhēn | to take seriously; serious; No joking, really! |
真人 zhēn rén | a real person; Daoist spiritual master |
千真万确 qiān zhēn wàn què | absolutely true (idiom); manifold; true from many points of view |
真面目 zhēn miàn mù | true identity; true colors |
真主 zhēn zhǔ | Allah |
清真寺 qīng zhēn sì | mosque |
纯真 chún zhēn | innocent and unaffected; pure and unadulterated |
货真价实 huò zhēn jià shí | genuine goods at fair prices; (fig.) genuine; real; true |
铁木真 tiě mù zhēn | Temujin, birth name of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗[Cheng2 ji2 si1 han2] |
真情 zhēn qíng | real situation; the truth |
真谛 zhēn dì | the real meaning; the true essence |
逼真 bī zhēn | lifelike; true to life; distinctly; clearly |
真空 zhēn kōng | vacuum |