HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 366th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.4) |
INDEX # | 876 |
rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon
快 kuài |

快乐 kuài lè | happy; merry |
愉快 yú kuài | cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted |
凉快 liáng kuai | nice and cold; pleasantly cool |
赶快 gǎn kuài | at once; immediately |
尽快 jǐn kuài | as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed |
尽快 jìn kuài | see 儘快|尽快[jin3 kuai4] |
痛快 tòng kuài | delighted; to one's heart's content; straightforward; also pr. [tong4 kuai5] |
快活 kuài huo | happy; cheerful |
爽快 shuǎng kuai | refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward |
快要 kuài yào | almost; nearly; almost all |
快速 kuài sù | fast; high-speed; rapid |
加快 jiā kuài | to accelerate; to speed up |
快感 kuài gǎn | pleasure; thrill; delight; joy; pleasurable sensation; a high |
快递 kuài dì | express delivery |
快餐 kuài cān | fast food; snack; quick meal |
欢快 huān kuài | cheerful and lighthearted; lively |
飞快 fēi kuài | very fast; at lightning speed; (coll.) razor-sharp |
快步 kuài bù | quick step |
快车 kuài chē | express (train, bus etc) |
快餐店 kuài cān diàn | fast food shop |
快捷 kuài jié | quick; fast; nimble; agile; (computer) shortcut |
特快 tè kuài | express (train, delivery etc) |
外快 wài kuài | extra income |
快艇 kuài tǐng | speedboat; motor launch |
快照 kuài zhào | snapshot; photo |