HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 337th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.2) |
INDEX # | 107 |
cut, mince, slice, carve
切 qiè |
切 qiē |

一切 yī qiè | everything; every; all |
密切 mì qiè | close; familiar; intimate; closely (related); to foster close ties; to pay close attention |
亲切 qīn qiè | amiable; cordial; close and dear; familiar |
迫切 pò qiè | urgent; pressing |
确切 què qiè | definite; exact; precise |
急切 jí qiè | eager; impatient |
切实 qiè shí | feasible; realistic; practical; earnestly; conscientiously |
恳切 kěn qiè | earnest; sincere |
切断 qiē duàn | to cut off; to sever |
切除 qiē chú | to excise; to cut out (a tumor) |
不顾一切 bù gù yī qiè | reckless; regardless of everything |
切割 qiē gē | to cut |
切尔西 qiè ěr xī | Chelsea |
切口 qiē kǒu | incision; notch; slit; gash; margin of a page; trimmed edge (of a page in a book) |
切口 qiè kǒu | slang; argot; private language used as secret code |
切换 qiē huàn | to switch over; to switch modes or data streams; to cut (to a new scene) |
切片 qiē piàn | to slice; slice; thin section of a specimen (for microscopic examination) |
不切实际 bù qiè shí jì | unrealistic; impractical |
深切 shēn qiè | deeply felt; heartfelt; sincere; honest |
切入 qiē rù | to cut into; to incise; to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc); cut (offensive moves in basketball) |
热切 rè qiè | fervent |
真切 zhēn qiè | vivid; distinct; clear; sincere; honest |
贴切 tiē qiè | close-fitting; closest (translation) |
切尔诺贝利 qiē ěr nuò bèi lì | Chernobyl |
切记 qiè jì | remember at all costs |