P p


  • (slang) femme (lesbian stereotype)
  • to photoshop


3P sān p (slang) threesome
BP机 b p jī beeper (loanword); pager
BP機 b p jī beeper (loanword); pager
CP c p an imagined romantic relationship between two characters in fiction (or in real life) that one wishes for or fantasizes about (abbr. of "coupling")
CP值 c p zhí cost-performance ratio (Tw)
IP i p intellectual property (in China, esp. since 2015, often used as an entertainment industry term for a creative work used as the basis of a new product, such as a manga adapted as a tv series, or the image of a cartoon character appearing on merchandise)
IP剧 i p jù screen adaptation (TV series or movie based on an online novel or video game etc)
IP劇 i p jù screen adaptation (TV series or movie based on an online novel or video game etc)
PA p a public area attendant (tasked with cleaning the public areas of a hotel); marketing assistant; sales assistant
PA部 p a bù hotel staff work unit tasked with keeping the public areas of a hotel clean
PK p k (slang) to take on; to challenge; to go head to head; showdown; comparison
PU p u the degree of suspicion that a woman might, after she marries, cheat on her husband (abbr. for "paternity uncertainty")
P图 p tú (Internet slang) to photoshop a picture; photoshopped picture
P圖 p tú (Internet slang) to photoshop a picture; photoshopped picture
P挡 p dǎng park (gear); program mode (on a digital camera)
P擋 p dǎng park (gear); program mode (on a digital camera)
P民 p mín (slang) shitizen; commoner; hoi polloi
P sān p (slang) threesome
P kē p Professor Ko, nickname for Ko Wen-je 柯文哲[Ke1 Wen2 zhe2]
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