N n



DNA鉴定 d n a jiàn dìng DNA test; DNA testing
DNA鑒定 d n a jiàn dìng DNA test; DNA testing
NG n g (loanword from Japanese "NG", an initialism for "no good") (film and TV) blooper; to do a blooper
NG片段 n g piàn duàn (film and TV) blooper
NG镜头 n g jìng tóu (film and TV) blooper
NG鏡頭 n g jìng tóu (film and TV) blooper
N久 n jiǔ a very long time (etymology: in mathematics, n represents an arbitrarily large number)
N挡 n dǎng neutral (gear)
N擋 n dǎng neutral (gear)
TONY t o n y (slang) hairdresser
TONY老师 t o n y lǎo shī (slang) hairdresser
TONY老師 t o n y lǎo shī (slang) hairdresser
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