A a


  • (slang) (Tw) to steal


AA制 a a zhì to split the bill; to go Dutch
AB制 a b zhì to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum); (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable
ACG a c g acronym for "anime, comics and games"
A咖 a kā class "A"; top grade
A圈儿 a quān r at symbol, @
A圈兒 a quān r at symbol, @
A片 a piàn adult movie; pornography
A菜 a cài (Tw) lettuce (from Taiwanese 萵仔菜, Tai-lo pr. [ue-á-tshài] or [e-á-tshài])
A货 a huò good-quality fake
A貨 a huò good-quality fake
DNA鉴定 d n a jiàn dìng DNA test; DNA testing
DNA鑒定 d n a jiàn dìng DNA test; DNA testing
PA p a public area attendant (tasked with cleaning the public areas of a hotel); marketing assistant; sales assistant
PA部 p a bù hotel staff work unit tasked with keeping the public areas of a hotel clean
MUA m u a (onom.) mwah (sound of a kiss)
哆啦A梦 duō lā a mèng Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character
哆啦A夢 duō lā a mèng Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character
A quān a at symbol, @
打CALL dǎ c a l l (slang) to cheer sb on; to show one's support; ("call" is pronounced approximately like English "call")
异维A酸 yì wéi a suān isotretinoin (used in acne treatment)
異維A酸 yì wéi a suān isotretinoin (used in acne treatment)
双酚A shuāng fēn a bisphenol A (BPA)
雙酚A shuāng fēn a bisphenol A (BPA)
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