
turtle or tortoise; cuckold



龟 guī
  • tortoise
  • turtle


龟 stroke order diagram
龟 stroke order animation


wū guī tortoise; cuckold
hǎi guī turtle; Internet slang for 海歸|海归[hai3 gui1]
头 guī tóu head of a turtle; glans penis
jīn guī tortoise; scarab beetle
子 jīn guī zǐ scarab (Scarabeus sacer); beetle
裂 jūn liè to crack; cracked; fissured; creviced; (of skin) chapped
缩 guī suō to withdraw; to hole up
九尾 jiǔ wěi guī nine-tailed turtle of mythology; The Nine-tailed Turtle, novel by late Qing novelist Zhang Chunfan 張春帆|张春帆
liù guī Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
乡 liù guī xiāng Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
册府元 cè fǔ yuán guī Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty historical encyclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 1005-1013 under Wang Qinruo 王欽若|王钦若 and Yang Yi 楊億|杨亿, 1000 scrolls
嫩苗 nèn miáo guī Turtwig, Japanese comic character, turtle with seedling growing out of its head
忍者神 rěn zhě shén guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc
忍者 rěn zhě guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw); see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]
gàng guī (Tw) to lose one's shirt (gambling); to meet with failure; (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [kòng-ku])
壳 wū guī ké tortoise shell
dū guī (Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, Tai-lo pr. [tuh-ku])
粪金 fèn jīn guī dung beetle
粪金子 fèn jīn guī zǐ dung beetle
缩头乌 suō tóu wū guī a turtle that pulls its head in; (fig.) coward; chicken
老鼠拉,无从下手 lǎo shǔ lā guī , wú cóng xià shǒu like mice trying to pull a turtle, nowhere to get a hand grip (idiom); no clue where to start
婿 jīn guī xù wealthy son-in-law; wealthy husband
车 jīn guī chē Volkswagen Beetle (Tw)
yǐn guī Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus)
儿子 guī ér zi (coll.) bastard; son of a bitch
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