
dragon; symbolic of emperor


龍 lóng
  • surname Long
  • dragon
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • imperial


豆 lóng dòu dragon bean; long bean
貓 lóng māo chinchilla; Totoro (anime character)
躉 lóng dǔn giant grouper; Epinephelus lanceolatus
車 lóng chē imperial chariot
遊 lóng yóu Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang
遊縣 lóng yóu xiàn Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang
里 lóng lǐ Longli county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
里縣 lóng lǐ xiàn Longli county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
鍾 lóng zhōng decrepit; senile
門 lóng mén Longmen county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong; mythical Dragon gate where a carp can transform into a dragon
門刨 lóng mén bào double column surface grinding machine
門山 lóng mén shān Mt Longmen, the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin, an active geological fault line; Mt Longmen in Shandong; Mt Longmen in Henan
門山斷層 lóng mén shān duàn céng Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin
門斷層 lóng mén duàn céng Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin
門石窟 lóng mén shí kū Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳[Luo4 yang2], Henan
門縣 lóng mén xiàn Longmen county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong
陵 lóng líng Longling county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan
陵縣 lóng líng xiàn Longling county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan
陽 lóng yáng place in Shanghai; (coll.) male homosexual
陽君 lóng yáng jūn homosexual (positive term)
韜 lóng tāo military strategy and tactics; the imperial guard
頭 lóng tóu faucet; water tap; bicycle handle bar; chief (esp. of gang); boss; decision maker; (market) leader (of companies); front end of mud-flow; figurehead on prow of dragon boat 龍船|龙船
頭企業 lóng tóu qǐ yè key enterprises; leading enterprises
頭老大 lóng tóu lǎo dà big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position)
頭蛇尾 lóng tóu shé wěi lit. dragon's head, snake's tail (idiom); fig. a strong start but weak finish