
dragon; symbolic of emperor


龍 lóng
  • surname Long
  • dragon
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • imperial


一條 yī tiáo lóng lit. one dragon; integrated chain; coordinated process
一條服務 yī tiáo lóng fú wù one-stop service
珠 qī lóng zhū Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime series
三角恐 sān jiǎo kǒng lóng triceratops (dinosaur)
三角 sān jiǎo lóng triceratops
shàng lóng pliosaurus
灣 xià lóng wān Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
中華鳥 zhōng huá lóng niǎo Sinosauropteryx
chéng lóng to ride the dragon; to die (of emperors and kings)
快婿 chéng lóng kuài xù ideal son-in-law
jiǔ lóng Kowloon district of Hong Kong
坡 jiǔ lóng pō Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
坡區 jiǔ lóng pō qū Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
城 jiǔ lóng chéng Kowloon City, Hong Kong
城寨 jiǔ lóng chéng zhài Kowloon Walled City
縣 jiǔ lóng xiàn Jiulong county (Tibetan: brgyad zur rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
二連巨盜 èr lián jù dào lóng Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bird-like dinosaur found in Erlian in Inner Mongolia)
灣 yà lóng wān Yalong Bay in Sanya 三亞|三亚[San1 ya4], Hainan
人中鳳 rén zhōng lóng fèng a giant among men (idiom)
rén lóng a queue of people
鳳雛 fú lóng fèng chú hidden genius (idiom)
伶盜 líng dào lóng velociraptor (dinosaur)
似鳥恐 sì niǎo kǒng lóng ornithischian; bird-like dinosaur
去脈 lái lóng qù mài the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom); (fig.) the whole sequence of events; causes and effects
保力 bǎo lì lóng polystyrene
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