
wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199


  • wheat, barley, oats
  • KangXi radical number 199
  • surname Mai
  • wheat
  • barley
  • oats


不辨菽 bù biàn shū mài lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (idiom); fig. ignorant of practical matters
dān mài Denmark
包 dān mài bāo Danish pastry
俾斯 bǐ sī mài Bismarck (name); Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Prussian politician, Minister-President of Prussia 1862-1873, Chancellor of Germany 1871-1890
quán mài whole wheat
同傳耳 tóng chuán ěr mài simultaneous interpretation headset
隆 kā mài lóng Cameroon
dà mài barley
克 dà mài kè Big Mac (McDonald's hamburger) (Tw)
克指數 dà mài kè zhǐ shù see 巨無霸漢堡包指數|巨无霸汉堡包指数[Ju4 wu2 ba4 han4 bao3 bao1 Zhi3 shu4]
地 dà mài dì place name in Ningxia with rock carving conjectured to be a stage in the development of Chinese characters
町 dà mài tǐng Dalmatian (dog breed)
xiǎo mài wheat; CL:粒[li4]
胚芽 xiǎo mài pēi yá wheat germ
斯佩耳特小 sī pèi ěr tè xiǎo mài spelt (Triticum spelta) (loanword)
春大 chūn dà mài spring barley
yóu mài naked oat (old)
菜 yóu mài cài Indian lettuce
浮小 fú xiǎo mài unripe wheat grain (used in TCM)
灰頭雞 huī tóu mài jī (bird species of China) grey-headed lapwing (Vanellus cinereus)
shāo mài shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling; also written 燒賣|烧卖[shao1 mai4]
yàn mài oats
粥 yàn mài zhōu oatmeal; porridge
fān mài corn (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [huan-be̍h])
nuò mài glutinous barley
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