
female of Chinese unicorn



  • female of Chinese unicorn
  • variant of 麟[lin2]
  • female unicorn
  • see 麒麟


麟 stroke order diagram
麟 stroke order animation


qí lín qilin (mythical Chinese animal); kylin; Chinese unicorn; commonly mistranslated as giraffe
凤毛角 fèng máo lín jiǎo lit. as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns (idiom); fig. few and far between
汤玉 tāng yù lín Tang Yulin (1871-1937), minor warlord in northeast China, sometime governor of Chengde 承德, mostly poor in battle but very successful at accumulating personal wealth
湯玉 tāng yù lín Tang Yulin (1871-1937), minor warlord in northeast China, sometime governor of Chengde 承德, mostly poor in battle but very successful at accumulating personal wealth
章炳 zhāng bǐng lín Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
萨摩 sà mó lín Samotherium (early giraffe)
薩摩 sà mó lín Samotherium (early giraffe)
谭咏 tán yǒng lín Alan Tam (1950-), Hong Kong Canto-pop singer and actor
譚詠 tán yǒng lín Alan Tam (1950-), Hong Kong Canto-pop singer and actor
qí lín variant of 麒麟[qi2 lin2]; qilin (mythical Chinese animal); kylin; Chinese unicorn; commonly mistranslated as giraffe
鳳毛角 fèng máo lín jiǎo lit. as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns (idiom); fig. few and far between
区 qí lín qū Qilin district, Qujing city, Yunnan
區 qí lín qū Qilin district, Qujing city, Yunnan
座 qí lín zuò Monoceros (constellation)
殿 qí lín diàn see 麒麟閣|麒麟阁[Qi2 lin2 Ge2]
菜 qí lín cài eucheuma, a type of red algae (used in TCM)
阁 qí lín gé Qilin Pavilion, located in the Weiyang Palace, a hall decorated with portraits of famous officials
閣 qí lín gé Qilin Pavilion, located in the Weiyang Palace, a hall decorated with portraits of famous officials
洛 lín luò Linlo township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
洛乡 lín luò xiāng Linlo township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
洛鄉 lín luò xiāng Linlo township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
经 lín jīng another name for the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋
經 lín jīng another name for the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋
角凤觜 lín jiǎo fèng zuǐ lit. qilin's horn, phoenix's mouth (idiom); fig. rara avis; rarity
角鳳觜 lín jiǎo fèng zuǐ lit. qilin's horn, phoenix's mouth (idiom); fig. rara avis; rarity
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