



  • partridge
  • partridge
  • Francolinus chinensis


鹧 stroke order diagram
鹧 stroke order animation


鸪 zhè gū partridge
中华鸪 zhōng huá zhè gū (bird species of China) Chinese francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus)
四川山鸪 sì chuān shān zhè gū (bird species of China) Sichuan partridge (Arborophila rufipectus)
海南山鸪 hǎi nán shān zhè gū (bird species of China) Hainan partridge (Arborophila ardens)
环颈山鸪 huán jǐng shān zhè gū (bird species of China) hill partridge (Arborophila torqueola)
白眉山鸪 bái méi shān zhè gū (bird species of China) white-necklaced partridge (Arborophila gingica)
白颊山鸪 bái jiá shān zhè gū (bird species of China) white-cheeked partridge (Arborophila atrogularis)
红喉山鸪 hóng hóu shān zhè gū (bird species of China) rufous-throated partridge (Arborophila rufogularis)
红胸山鸪 hóng xiōng shān zhè gū (bird species of China) chestnut-breasted partridge (Arborophila mandellii)
绿脚山鸪 lǜ jiǎo shān zhè gū (bird species of China) green-legged partridge (Arborophila chloropus)
台湾山鸪 tái wān shān zhè gū (bird species of China) Taiwan partridge (Arborophila crudigularis)
褐胸山鸪 hè xiōng shān zhè gū (bird species of China) bar-backed partridge (Arborophila brunneopectus)
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