crane; Grus species (various)



  • crane
  • Grus species (various)
  • crane


鹤 stroke order diagram
鹤 stroke order animation


鹬 hè yù (bird species of China) spotted redshank (Tringa erythropus)
楼 huáng hè lóu Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan City, built in 223, burnt down in 1884, rebuilt in 1985; favored place of poet sages, who in legend arrived riding golden cranes; Tang poem by Cui Hao 崔顥|崔颢[Cui1 Hao4], with theme 'the past will never return'; one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓|岳阳楼[Yue4 yang2 Lou2] in Yueyang, north Hunan, and Tengwang Tower 滕王閣|滕王阁[Teng2 wang2 Ge2] in Nanchang, Jiangxi
黑颈 hēi jǐng hè (bird species of China) black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis)