crane; Grus species (various)



  • crane
  • Grus species (various)
  • crane


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鹤 stroke order animation


立鸡群 hè lì jī qún a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common; manifestly superior
bái hè (bird species of China) Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus)
xiān hè red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)
zhǐ hè paper crane
风声唳 fēng shēng hè lì lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom); fig. to panic at the slightest move; to be jittery
丹顶 dān dǐng hè (bird species of China) red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)
huī hè (bird species of China) common crane (Grus grus)
一琴一 yī qín yī hè carrying very little luggage (idiom); honest and incorruptible (government officials)
chéng hè to fly on a crane; to die
座 tiān hè zuò Grus (constellation)
杜荀 dù xún hè Du Xunhe (846-904), Tang poet
杳如黄 yǎo rú huáng hè to be gone forever (idiom); to disappear without a trace
遐龄 sōng hè xiá líng longevity
槛花笼 jiàn huā lóng hè a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket (idiom); prisoner
沙丘 shā qiū hè (bird species of China) sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)
huǒ hè flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum)
花 huǒ hè huā flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum)
焚琴煮 fén qín zhǔ hè lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes; fig. to waste valuable resources; to destroy wantonly beautiful things
白枕 bái zhěn hè (bird species of China) white-naped crane (Grus vipio)
白头 bái tóu hè (bird species of China) hooded crane (Grus monacha)
拳 bái hè quán Baihequan (Fujian White Crane) martial art form
梁 bái hè liáng White Crane Ridge at Fuling, Sichuan on the Changjiang River, that used to show above the water at dry periods, with famous carvings
滩 bái hè tān Baihetan, the name of a hydroelectric dam on the Jinsha River 金沙江[Jin1 sha1 jiang1] at a point where the river forms a border between Yunnan and Sichuan
蓑羽 suō yǔ hè (bird species of China) demoiselle crane (Grus virgo)
赤颈 chì jǐng hè (bird species of China) sarus crane (Grus antigone)
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