species of parrot



  • species of parrot
  • parrot


鹉 stroke order diagram
鹉 stroke order animation


yīng wǔ parrot
螺 yīng wǔ luó nautilus; ammonite (fossil spiral shell)
亚历山大鹦 yà lì shān dà yīng wǔ (bird species of China) Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)
啄羊鹦 zhuó yáng yīng wǔ kea (Nestor notabilis)
大紫胸鹦 dà zǐ xiōng yīng wǔ (bird species of China) Lord Derby's parakeet (Psittacula derbiana)
小葵花凤头鹦 xiǎo kuí huā fèng tóu yīng wǔ (bird species of China) yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea)
彩虹鹦 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
情侣鹦 qíng lǚ yīng wǔ lovebirds
折衷鹦 zhé zhōng yīng wǔ Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New Guinea)
澳洲小鹦 ào zhōu xiǎo yīng wǔ lorikeet
灰头鹦 huī tóu yīng wǔ (bird species of China) grey-headed parakeet (Psittacula finschii)
短尾鹦 duǎn wěi yīng wǔ (bird species of China) vernal hanging parrot (Loriculus vernalis)
红领绿鹦 hóng lǐng lǜ yīng wǔ (bird species of China) rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
绯胸鹦 fēi xiōng yīng wǔ (bird species of China) red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)
花头鹦 huā tóu yīng wǔ (bird species of China) blossom-headed parakeet (Psittacula roseata)
蓝腰短尾鹦 lán yāo duǎn wěi yīng wǔ (bird species of China) blue-rumped parrot (Psittinus cyanurus)
虎斑鹦 hǔ bān yīng wǔ budgerigar (genus Psittacella, several species); budgie
虎皮鹦 hǔ pí yīng wǔ budgerigar
金刚鹦 jīn gāng yīng wǔ macaw
长尾鹦 cháng wěi yīng wǔ (bird species of China) long-tailed parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)
青头鹦 qīng tóu yīng wǔ (bird species of China) slaty-headed parakeet (Psittacula himalayana)
凤头鹦 fèng tóu yīng wǔ cockatoo (zoology)
鸮鹦 xiāo yīng wǔ kakapo (Strigops habroptila); owl parrot
学舌 yīng wǔ xué shé to parrot; to repeat uncritically what sb says
热 yīng wǔ rè psittacosis; ornithosis; parrot fever
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