mynah; Erithacus species (various)



  • mynah
  • Erithacus species (various)
  • (bound form, used in the names of various kinds of bird, esp. robins and redstarts)


鸲 stroke order diagram
鸲 stroke order animation


蓝歌 lán gē qú (bird species of China) Siberian blue robin (Larvivora cyane)
蓝眉林 lán méi lín qú (bird species of China) Himalayan bluetail (Tarsiger rufilatus)
蓝头红尾 lán tóu hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) blue-capped redstart (Phoenicurus coeruleocephala)
蓝额红尾 lán é hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) blue-fronted redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)
蓝额长脚地 lán é cháng jiǎo dì qú (bird species of China) blue-fronted robin (Cinclidium frontale)
贺兰山红尾 hè lán shān hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) Alashan redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)
赭红尾 zhě hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
金胸歌 jīn xiōng gē qú (bird species of China) firethroat (Calliope pectardens)
金色林 jīn sè lín qú (bird species of China) golden bush robin (Tarsiger chrysaeus)
姬鹟 qú jī wēng (bird species of China) mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki)
岩鹨 qú yán liù (bird species of China) robin accentor (Prunella rubeculoides)
蝗莺 qú huáng yīng (bird species of China) Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides)
鹆 qú yù see 八哥[ba1 ge1]
què qú (bird species of China) oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis)
黑喉歌 hēi hóu gē qú (bird species of China) blackthroat (Calliope obscura)
黑喉红尾 hēi hóu hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) Hodgson's redstart (Phoenicurus hodgsoni)
黑胸歌 hēi xiōng gē qú (bird species of China) white-tailed rubythroat (Calliope pectoralis)