



  • owl
  • owl (order Strigiformes)


guǐ xiāo (bird species of China) boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
鸣角 míng jiǎo xiāo Screech-owl (genus Megascops, a.k.a. Otus)
叫 xiāo jiào (of owls) to hoot or screech
鹦鹉 xiāo yīng wǔ kakapo (Strigops habroptila); owl parrot
chī xiāo owl
diāo xiāo (bird species of China) Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo)
yīng xiāo (bird species of China) brown hawk-owl (Ninox scutulata)
黄嘴角 huáng zuǐ jiǎo xiāo (bird species of China) mountain scops owl (Otus spilocephalus)
黄腿渔 huáng tuǐ yú xiāo (bird species of China) tawny fish owl (Ketupa flavipes)