

  • flycatcher (bird)


灰臉鶯 huī liǎn wēng yīng (bird species of China) grey-cheeked warbler (Seicercus poliogenys)
灰藍姬 huī lán jī wēng (bird species of China) slaty-blue flycatcher (Ficedula tricolor)
wū wēng (bird species of China) dark-sided flycatcher (Muscicapa sibirica)
玉頭姬 yù tóu jī wēng (bird species of China) sapphire flycatcher (Ficedula sapphira)
琉璃藍 liú lí lán wēng (bird species of China) Zappey's flycatcher (Cyanoptila cumatilis)
白喉姬 bái hóu jī wēng (bird species of China) white-gorgeted flycatcher (Anthipes monileger)
白喉扇尾 bái hóu shàn wěi wēng (bird species of China) white-throated fantail (Rhipidura albicollis)
白喉林 bái hóu lín wēng (bird species of China) brown-chested jungle flycatcher (Rhinomyias brunneata)
白尾藍仙 bái wěi lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) white-tailed flycatcher (Cyornis concretus)
白眉姬 bái méi jī wēng (bird species of China) yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia)
白眉扇尾 bái méi shàn wěi wēng (bird species of China) white-browed fantail (Rhipidura aureola)
白眉藍姬 bái méi lán jī wēng (bird species of China) ultramarine flycatcher (Ficedula superciliaris)
白眶鶯 bái kuàng wēng yīng (bird species of China) white-spectacled warbler (Seicercus affinis)
白腹姬 bái fù jī wēng (bird species of China) blue-and-white flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana)
紅喉姬 hóng hóu jī wēng (bird species of China) taiga flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)
紅胸姬 hóng xiōng jī wēng (bird species of China) red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva)
純藍仙 chún lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) pale blue flycatcher (Cyornis unicolor)
綠背姬 lǜ bèi jī wēng (bird species of China) green-backed flycatcher (Ficedula elisae)
綠背林 lǜ bèi lín wēng (bird species of China) fulvous-chested jungle flycatcher (Rhinomyias olivacea)
藍喉仙 lán hóu xiān wēng (bird species of China) blue-throated flycatcher (Cyornis rubeculoides)
褐背鶪 hè bèi wēng jú (bird species of China) bar-winged flycatcher-shrike (Hemipus picatus)
褐胸 hè xiōng wēng (bird species of China) brown-breasted flycatcher (Muscicapa muttui)
金眶鶯 jīn kuàng wēng yīng (bird species of China) green-crowned warbler (Seicercus burkii)
銅藍 tóng lán wēng (bird species of China) verditer flycatcher (Eumyias thalassinus)
鏽胸藍姬 xiù xiōng lán jī wēng (bird species of China) slaty-backed flycatcher (Ficedula hodgsonii)