
oriole, green finch; Sylvia species (various)


  • oriole, green finch
  • Sylvia species (various)
  • oriole or various birds of the Sylvidae family including warblers
  • variant of 鶯|莺[ying1]


橙斑翅柳 chéng bān chì liǔ yīng (bird species of China) buff-barred warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)
橫斑林 héng bān lín yīng (bird species of China) barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria)
歐柳 ōu liǔ yīng (bird species of China) willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
比氏鶲 bǐ shì wēng yīng (bird species of China) Bianchi's warbler (Seicercus valentini)
水蒲葦 shuǐ pú wěi yīng (bird species of China) sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
沙白喉林 shā bái hóu lín yīng (bird species of China) desert whitethroat (Sylvia minula)
沼澤大尾 zhǎo zé dà wěi yīng (bird species of China) striated grassbird (Megalurus palustris)
海南柳 hǎi nán liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Hainan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus hainanus)
淡尾鶲 dàn wěi wēng yīng (bird species of China) Alström's warbler (Seicercus soror)
淡眉柳 dàn méi liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Hume's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus humei)
淡腳樹 dàn jiǎo shù yīng (bird species of China) pale-footed bush warbler (Urosphena pallidipes)
淡黃腰柳 dàn huáng yāo liǔ yīng (bird species of China) lemon-rumped warbler (Phylloscopus chloronotus)
灰冠鶲 huī guān wēng yīng (bird species of China) grey-crowned warbler (Seicercus tephrocephalus)
灰喉柳 huī hóu liǔ yīng (bird species of China) ashy-throated warbler (Phylloscopus maculipennis)
灰岩柳 huī yán liǔ yīng (bird species of China) limestone leaf warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis)
灰柳 huī liǔ yīng (bird species of China) sulphur-bellied warbler (Phylloscopus griseolus)
灰白喉林 huī bái hóu lín yīng (bird species of China) common whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
灰腳柳 huī jiǎo liǔ yīng (bird species of China) pale-legged leaf warbler (Phylloscopus tenellipes)
灰腹地 huī fù dì yīng (bird species of China) grey-bellied tesia (Tesia cyaniventer)
灰臉鶲 huī liǎn wēng yīng (bird species of China) grey-cheeked warbler (Seicercus poliogenys)
灰頭柳 huī tóu liǔ yīng (bird species of China) grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos)
烏嘴柳 wū zuǐ liǔ yīng (bird species of China) large-billed leaf warbler (Phylloscopus magnirostris)
煙柳 yān liǔ yīng (bird species of China) smoky warbler (Phylloscopus fuligiventer)
甘肅柳 gān sù liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Gansu leaf warbler (Phylloscopus kansuensis)
異色樹 yì sè shù yīng (bird species of China) aberrant bush warbler (Horornis flavolivaceus)