hòng hóng

species of wild swan; vast


鴻 hóng
  • eastern bean goose
  • great
  • large


海 hóng hǎi Hon Hai Precision Industry Company, Taiwan technology company, aka Foxconn
溝 hóng gōu (fig.) gulf; chasm; wide gap; (originally) the Hong Canal in Henan, which in ancient times formed the border between enemies Chu 楚 and Han 漢|汉
福 hóng fú variant of 洪福[hong2 fu2]
章 hóng zhāng Li Hung-chang or Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), Qing dynasty general, politician and diplomat
運 hóng yùn variant of 紅運|红运[hong2 yun4]
門宴 hóng mén yàn Feast at Hongmen; (fig.) banquet set up with the aim of murdering a guest; refers to a famous episode in 206 BC when future Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] escaped attempted murder by his rival Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3]
雁 hóng yàn (bird species of China) swan goose (Anser cygnoides)
鵠 hóng hú swan; person with noble aspirations
黃飛 huáng fēi hóng Wong Fei Hung (1847-1924), famous martial artist and revolutionary