sòng sóng sōng

lax, loose; loosen, relax


鬆 sōng
  • surname Song
  • pine
  • CL:棵[ke1]
  • loose
  • to loosen
  • to relax
  • floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)


丙酸氟替卡 bǐng suān fú tì kǎ sōng fluticasone propionate
zuǐ sōng loose-tongued
kuān sōng to relax (policy); relaxed
糕 xiǎo sōng gāo muffin
xīng sōng variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1]
shǒu sōng liberal with one's money; free-spending
fàng sōng to loosen; to relax
shū sōng to loosen
shí sōng Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)
xī sōng poor; sloppy; unconcerned; heedless; lax; unimportant; trivial; loose; porous
骨質 xī sōng gǔ zhì cancellous bone; trabecular bone; spongy bone
ròu sōng meat floss; shredded dried pork
肌肉弛劑 jī ròu sōng chí jì muscle relaxant (medicine)
péng sōng fluffy
qīng sōng light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously
sū sōng loose (soil, or limbs of a relaxed person etc); flaky (pastry etc)
油脂 sū sōng yóu zhī shortening (fat used in cooking cakes)
量化寬 liàng huà kuān sōng quantitative easing (finance)
骨質疏 gǔ zhì shū sōng osteoporosis
骨質疏症 gǔ zhì shū sōng zhèng osteoporosis
一口氣 sōng yī kǒu qì to heave a sigh of relief
動 sōng dòng loose; slack; (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice); to give some slack; (of a place) not crowded
口 sōng kǒu to let go of sth held in one's mouth; (fig.) to relent; to yield
嘴 sōng zuǐ see 鬆口|松口[song1 kou3]
土 sōng tǔ to plow (loosen the soil)
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