body; group, class, body, unit


體 tǐ
  • body
  • form
  • style
  • system
  • substance
  • to experience
  • aspect (linguistics)


字 xié tǐ zì italic letter; slanting typeface
斯事大 sī shì tǐ dà see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4]
新字 xīn zì tǐ shinjitai, simplified Japanese character used since 1946
新聞媒 xīn wén méi tǐ news media
新藝綜合 xīn yì zōng hé tǐ CinemaScope
明朝 míng cháo tǐ Mincho font
míng tǐ Mincho; Song font
xīng tǐ celestial body (planet, satellite etc)
普氏立克次 pǔ shì lì kè cì tǐ Rickettsia prowazekii
晶狀 jīng zhuàng tǐ lens; crystalline lens
jīng tǐ crystal
管 jīng tǐ guǎn transistor
結構 jīng tǐ jié gòu crystal structure
shū tǐ calligraphic style; font
有機 yǒu jī tǐ organism
běn tǐ main part; torso; the thing in itself; noumenon (object of purely intellectual perception according to Kant)
論 běn tǐ lùn ontology
杏仁 xìng rén tǐ amygdala
杜氏腺 dù shì xiàn tǐ Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)
東非共同 dōng fēi gòng tóng tǐ East African Community
松果 sōng guǒ tǐ pineal body
染色 rǎn sè tǐ chromosome
染色三倍症 rǎn sè tǐ sān bèi tǐ zhèng trisomy
染色倍性 rǎn sè tǐ bèi xìng ploidy (number of homologous chromosomes)
zhù tǐ cylinder; prism (math.)