body; group, class, body, unit


體 tǐ
  • body
  • form
  • style
  • system
  • substance
  • to experience
  • aspect (linguistics)


舊字 jiù zì tǐ kyujitai, traditional Japanese character used before 1946
jiù tǐ old form of writing; piece in the old style
詩 jiù tǐ shī poetry in the old style
chuán tǐ hull; body of a ship
色素 sè sù tǐ plastid (organelle in plant cell)
艾滋病抗 ài zī bìng kàng tǐ AIDS antibody
茲事大 zī shì tǐ dà this is no small thing (idiom); to have a serious matter at hand
cǎo tǐ see 草書|草书[cao3 shu1]
萬維網聯合 wàn wéi wǎng lián hé tǐ W3C, global Internet steering committee
葉綠 yè lǜ tǐ chloroplast
藝術操 yì shù tǐ cāo rhythmic gymnastics
融為一 róng wéi yī tǐ to fuse together (idiom); hypostatic union (religion)
螺旋 luó xuán tǐ Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile bacteria; spiral-shaped bacterium, e.g. causing syphilis
juān tǐ to clean oneself
xíng tǐ see 行書|行书[xing2 shu1]
衣不蔽 yī bù bì tǐ lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom); fig. poverty-stricken
衣原 yī yuán tǐ Chlamydia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)
吸蟲 liè tǐ xī chóng schistosome, parasitic flatworm causing snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomiasis)
bǔ tǐ complement (in blood serum)
luǒ tǐ naked
主義 luǒ tǐ zhǔ yì nudism
主義者 luǒ tǐ zhǔ yì zhě nudist
角柱 jiǎo zhù tǐ prism (math.)
jiě tǐ to break up into components; to disintegrate; to collapse; to crumble
記憶 jì yì tǐ (Tw) (computer) memory