body; group, class, body, unit


體 tǐ
  • body
  • form
  • style
  • system
  • substance
  • to experience
  • aspect (linguistics)


社會團 shè huì tuán tǐ social group; community organization
社群媒 shè qún méi tǐ social media (Tw)
shén tǐ Godhead
稀有氣 xī yǒu qì tǐ rare gas; noble gas (chemistry)
種植 zhòng zhí tǐ implant (dentistry)
電路 jī tǐ diàn lù integrated circuit (Tw)
chuāng tǐ form (used in programming languages such as Visual Basic and Delphi to create a GUI window)
立克次 lì kè cì tǐ Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)
立方 lì fāng tǐ cube; cubic
立氏立克次 lì shì lì kè cì tǐ Rickettsia rickettsii
lì tǐ three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic
交叉 lì tǐ jiāo chā three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving flyover bridges or underpass tunnels); overpass
圖 lì tǐ tú three-dimensional figure; hologram; stereogram
幾何 lì tǐ jǐ hé solid geometry
攝像機 lì tǐ shè xiàng jī stereoscopic camera; 3D camera
派 lì tǐ pài Cubism
照片 lì tǐ zhào piàn three-dimensional photo
異構 lì tǐ yì gòu stereoisomerism (chemistry)
異構 lì tǐ yì gòu tǐ stereoisomer (chemistry)
聲 lì tǐ shēng stereo sound
角 lì tǐ jiǎo solid angle
電影院 lì tǐ diàn yǐng yuàn stereoscopic cinema; 3D cinema
等離子 děng lí zǐ tǐ plasma (physics)
節肢介病毒 jié zhī jiè tǐ bìng dú arbovirus
zhuàn tǐ see 篆書|篆书[zhuan4 shu1]