a pure black horse; a pair of horses



  • a pure black horse
  • a pair of horses
  • black horse
  • jet steed
  • good horse
  • legendary black dragon


骊 stroke order diagram
骊 stroke order animation


河 jù lí hé pre-Han name of Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao2 He2]
得珠 tàn lí dé zhū to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation); to see through to the nub
牝牡黄 pìn mǔ lí huáng a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance
姬之乱 lí jī zhī luàn Li Ji Rebellion in 657-651 BC, where concubine Li Ji tried to throne her son but was eventually defeated by Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公|晋文公[Jin4 Wen2 gong1]
山 lí shān Mt Li near Xi'an with the tomb of the First Emperor
黄牝牡 lí huáng pìn mǔ a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance
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