
carry on back



驮 tuó
  • variant of 馱|驮[tuo2]
  • to carry on one's back
驮 duò
  • load carried by a pack animal


驮 stroke order diagram
驮 stroke order animation


马 tuó mǎ pack horse
菩萨 wéi tuó pú sà Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhisattva
子 duò zi pack animal's load
兽 tuó shòu beast of burden
畜 tuó chù pack animal
筐 tuó kuāng pannier; double basket slung across pack animal
篓 tuó lǒu pannier; double basket slung across pack animal
轿 tuó jiào litter carried by pack animal
运 tuó yùn to transport on pack animal; to carry (a load on one's back)
运路 tuó yùn lù a bridle path
重 tuó zhòng pack (animal)
工 tuó gōng mule driver; person who leads a pack animal
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