


  • mule
  • mule
  • CL:匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2]
  • variant of 騾|骡[luo2]


子是馬,拉出來遛遛 shì luó zi shì mǎ , lā chū lai liù liu see 是騾子是馬,牽出來遛遛|是骡子是马,牵出来遛遛[shi4 luo2 zi5 shi4 ma3 , qian1 chu1 lai5 liu4 liu5]
子是馬,牽出來遛遛 shì luó zi shì mǎ , qiān chū lai liù liu lit. to see whether it's a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk (idiom); fig. the proof of the pudding is in the eating; to show what one is made of
mǎ luó mule
子 luó zi mule; CL:匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2]
馬 luó mǎ pack animal; horse and mule
馬大車 luó mǎ dà chē mule and horse carts
lǘ luó hinny
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