ride horseback; mount; cavalry


騎 qí
  • to sit astride
  • to ride (a horse, bike etc)
  • classifier for saddle horses
騎 jì
  • (Tw) saddle horse
  • mounted soldier


警隊 qí jǐng duì mounted police detachment (on horse or motorbike)
車 qí chē to cycle
馬 qí mǎ to ride a horse
馬者 qí mǎ zhě horseman; rider; mounted soldier
驢找驢 qí lǘ zhǎo lǘ lit. to search for the mule while riding on it (idiom); fig. to look for what one already has
驢覓驢 qí lǘ mì lǘ see 騎驢找驢|骑驴找驴[qi2 lu:2 zhao3 lu:2]
鶴 qí hè to ride a crane (as a Daoist adept); to die
鶴上揚州 qí hè shàng yáng zhōu lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou (idiom); to get an official position
車到 qí chē dào ride a bike to; cycle to