xùn xún

tame, docile, obedient


馴 xùn
  • to attain gradually
  • to tame
  • Taiwan pr. [xun2]


桀驁不 jié ào bù xùn arrogant and obstinate (idiom); unyielding
wēn xùn docile; meek; harmless; moderate and obedient; tame
調 tiáo xùn to look after and train (animals)
yǎ xùn refined (of writing)
化 xùn huà to tame; to domesticate
善 xùn shàn docile; tractable
從 xùn cóng tame; obedient
悍記 xùn hàn jì Taming of the Shrew, play by William Shakespeare
擾 xùn rǎo to tame
服 xùn fú to tame; tame; docile
良 xùn liáng docile; tame
順 xùn shùn tame; docile
養 xùn yǎng to domesticate; to raise and train
養繁殖 xùn yǎng fán zhí domestication and breeding; captive breeding
養繁殖場 xùn yǎng fán zhí chǎng captive breeding facility; breeding farm
馬 xùn mǎ to break in a horse; a trained saddle horse
馬人 xùn mǎ rén horse trainer
馬場 xùn mǎ chǎng horse training ground
駝 xùn tuó trained pack camel
鹿 xùn lù reindeer
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