horse; surname; KangXi radical 187


馬 mǎ
  • surname Ma
  • abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess


爾默 mǎ ěr mò Malmo (Malmo city, of Sweden)
王堆 mǎ wáng duī Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan, a recent Han dynasty archaeological site
球 mǎ qiú polo
瑙斯 mǎ nǎo sī Manaus (city in Brazil)
甲 mǎ jiǎ corset; sockpuppet (Internet slang); vest (dialect)
略卡 mǎ lüè kǎ Majorca (island of Spain)
祖 mǎ zǔ Matsu Islands off Fujian, administered by Taiwan
祖列島 mǎ zǔ liè dǎo Matsu Islands
科 mǎ kē Equidae; horse family
穆楚 mǎ mù chǔ Mamoudzou, capital of Mayotte
竿 mǎ gān lasso pole; blind man's stick; white stick
糊 mǎ hu variant of 馬虎|马虎[ma3 hu5]
糞紙 mǎ fèn zhǐ strawboard
約卡 mǎ yāo kǎ Majorca (island of Spain)
約特 mǎ yuē tè Mayotte, island between NW Madagascar and Mozambique
mǎ nà mǎ Manama, capital of Bahrain
累 mǎ lèi Malé, capital of Maldives
紹爾群島 mǎ shào ěr qún dǎo Marshall Islands
經 mǎ jīng form (horse racing)
纓丹 mǎ yīng dān lantana (botany)
纓花 mǎ yīng huā Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin); tree rhododendron (Rhododendron delavayi)
群 mǎ qún herd of horses
耳他 mǎ ěr tā Malta
耳東風 mǎ ěr dōng fēng lit. the east wind blowing in a horse's ear (idiom); fig. words one pays no heed to
背 mǎ bèi horseback