horse; surname; KangXi radical 187


馬 mǎ
  • surname Ma
  • abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess


俊仁 mǎ jùn rén Ma Junren (1944-), Chinese track coach
克 mǎ kè Mark (name)
克・吐溫 mǎ kè ・ tǔ wēn Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1835-1910), US writer, novelist and humorist, author of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克貝利·芬歷險記|哈克贝利·芬历险记[Ha1 ke4 bei4 li4 · Fen1 Li4 xian3 Ji4]
克宏 mǎ kè hóng (Tw) Emmanuel Macron (1977-), president of France from 2017
克思 mǎ kè sī Marx (name)
克思主義 mǎ kè sī zhǔ yì Marxism
克思列寧主義 mǎ kè sī liè níng zhǔ yì Marxism-Leninism
克斯・普朗克 mǎ kè sī ・ pǔ lǎng kè Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist who first postulated quantization of energy
克斯威爾 mǎ kè sī wēi ěr James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
克杯 mǎ kè bēi mug (loanword)
克沁 mǎ kè qìn Sir Hiram Maxim (1840-1916), American British inventor of the Maxim machine gun
克沁機槍 mǎ kè qìn jī qiāng Maxim machine gun
克筆 mǎ kè bǐ marker (loanword); felt marker
克西米連 mǎ kè xī mǐ lián Maximilian or Maximilien (name)
克龍 mǎ kè lóng Emmanuel Macron (1977-), president of France from 2017
兜鈴科 mǎ dōu líng kē Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family of flowering plants, including ginger)
兜鈴酸 mǎ dōu líng suān aristolochic acid
公 mǎ gōng Makung city in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan
公市 mǎ gōng shì Makung city in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan
六甲 mǎ liù jiǎ Malacca or Melaka (town and state in Malaysia), also strait between Malaysia and Sumatra
六甲海峽 mǎ liù jiǎ hǎi xiá Strait of Malacca
其頓 mǎ qí dùn Macedonia
其頓共和國 mǎ qí dùn gòng hé guó Republic of Macedonia (former Yugoslav republic)
具 mǎ jù harness
刀 mǎ dāo saber; cavalry sword