
ruined, decayed; disintegrate



  • ruined, decayed
  • disintegrate
  • variant of 頹|颓[tui2]
  • to crumble
  • to collapse
  • to decline
  • to decay
  • decadent
  • dejected
  • dispirited
  • balding


颓 stroke order diagram
颓 stroke order animation


废 tuí fèi decadent; dispirited; depressed; dejected
丧 tuí sàng dejected; disheartened; listless
势 tuí shì decline (in fortune)
qīng tuí to collapse; to topple; to capsize
木坏 shān tuí mù huài lit. the mountains crumble and the trees lie ruined; a great sage has died (idiom)
shuāi tuí uninspired; dejected; discouraged
唐 tuí táng dispirited; depressed
圮 tuí pǐ to collapse; dilapidated
垣断壁 tuí yuán duàn bì crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)
塌 tuí tā to collapse
坏 tuí huài dilapidated; decrepit
废派 tuí fèi pài decadents (of the Decadent movement of late 19th century Europe)
放 tuí fàng decadent; dissolute; degenerate
败 tuí bài to decay; to decline; to become corrupt
景 tuí jǐng scene of dilapidation
朽 tuí xiǔ decaying; rotten; decrepit
然 tuí rán decrepit; ruined; disappointed
老 tuí lǎo old and decrepit; senile
萎 tuí wěi listless; dispirited
运 tuí yùn crumbling fate; declining fortune
靡 tuí mí devastated
风 tuí fēng degenerate custom; decadent ways
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