cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; to nourish



  • cheeks
  • jaw
  • chin
  • rear
  • to nourish
  • cheek
  • lower cheek
  • chin
  • jaw
  • to nourish


颐 stroke order diagram
颐 stroke order animation


指气使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy
养 yí yǎng to nourish; to nurture; to strengthen
huǒ yí variant of 夥頤|夥颐[huo3 yi2]
周敦 zhōu dūn yí Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar
huǒ yí (literary) very many; wow! (an exclamation of surprise and admiration)
大块朵 dà kuài duǒ yí to chew on a large slab (idiom); a large mouthful is hard to chew; to tuck into a great meal
大快朵 dà kuài duǒ yí to gorge oneself; to eat heartily (idiom)
duǒ yí to move the jaw; to munch; to masticate
chéng yí Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Song neo-Confucian scholar
jiě yí to smile; to laugh
和园 yí hé yuán Summer Palace in Beijing
性养寿 yí xìng yǎng shòu to take care of one's spirit and keep fit (idiom)
指 yí zhǐ to order with the chin; to indicate what one wants by facial gesture
指风使 yí zhǐ fēng shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy
养天年 yí yǎng tiān nián lit. to nurture one's years (idiom); fig. to enjoy one's later years
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