
pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange

HSK 5 #794


  • pause, stop
  • bow, kowtow
  • arrange
  • to stop
  • to pause
  • to arrange
  • to lay out
  • to kowtow
  • to stamp (one's foot)
  • at once
  • classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal


顿 stroke order diagram
顿 stroke order animation


道尔 dào ěr dùn Dalton (name); John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
dài dùn Dayton (city in Ohio)
米尔 mǐ ěr dùn Milton (name); John Milton (1608-1674), English republican writer and poet, author of Paradise Lost
曼哈区 màn hā dùn qū Manhattan borough of New York City
lái dùn Leiden (the Netherlands)
西 xī dùn Sidon (Lebanon)
hǎi dùn Haydn (name); Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian classical composer
温布尔 wēn bù ěr dùn Wimbledon
特伦 tè lún dùn Trenton, capital of New Jersey
约翰斯 yuē hàn sī dùn Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name
茅塞开 máo sè dùn kāi murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom); a sudden flash of insight and all is clear
huò dùn Hotton, Holden, Wharton, Houghton etc (name)
láo dùn (literary) fatigued; wearied
德累斯 dé lèi sī dùn Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州[Sa4 ke4 sen1 zhou1], Germany
蒙巴 méng bā dùn Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of German Battenberg); Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900-1979), British commander in Southeast Asia during WWII, presided over the partition of India in 1947, murdered by the IRA.
河 dùn hé Don River
kùn dùn fatigued; exhausted; poverty-stricken; in straitened circumstances
抑扬挫 yì yáng dùn cuò see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dun4 cuo4 yi4 yang2]
捶胸足 chuí xiōng dùn zú to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)
kǎ dùn (computing) slow; unresponsive
哈米吉多 hā mǐ jí duō dùn Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16)
布里奇 bù lǐ qí dùn Bridgetown, capital of Barbados
哈利伯 hā lì bó dùn Halliburton (US construction company)
觉 dùn jué to feel suddenly; to realize abruptly
亨丁舞蹈症 hēng dīng dùn wǔ dào zhèng Huntington's disease