
neck, nape of neck; sum; funds

HSK 5 #571


项 xiàng
  • surname Xiang
  • back of neck
  • item
  • thing
  • term (in a mathematical formula)
  • sum (of money)
  • classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc


项 stroke order diagram
项 stroke order animation


式系数 èr xiàng shì xì shù a binomial coefficient (math.); the number of combinations
式定理 èr xiàng shì dìng lǐ the binomial theorem (math.)
全能 wǔ xiàng quán néng pentathlon
lái xiang income
fēn xiàng sub-item (of program)
shí xiàng ten items; decathlon (athletics)
全能 shí xiàng quán néng decathlon
和平共处五原则 hé píng gòng chǔ wǔ xiàng yuán zé Zhou Enlai's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence; 1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India
基本原则 sì xiàng jī běn yuán zé the Four Cardinal Principles enunciated by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1979: to uphold the socialist road, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the leadership of the CCP, and Maoism and Marxism-Leninism
式方程 duō xiàng shì fāng chéng (math.) polynomial equation
式方程组 duō xiàng shì fāng chéng zǔ (math.) system of polynomial equations
dà xiàng main item (of program)
xiǎo xiàng small item; event (of program)
cháng xiàng constant term (in a math expression)
待办事列表 dài bàn shì xiàng liè biǎo to-do list
qiàn xiàng liabilities; debt
比赛目 bǐ sài xiàng mù sporting event; item on program of sports competition
pǔ xiàng Pohang (city in South Korea)
现代五 xiàn dài wǔ xiàng modern pentathlon
yòng xiàng items of expenditure; expenditures
凤鹛 bái xiàng fèng méi (bird species of China) white-naped yuhina (Yuhina bakeri)
石油换食品目 shí yóu huàn shí pǐn xiàng mù Iraq Oil for Food Program
逻辑 cí xiàng luó ji categorical logic
铁人三 tiě rén sān xiàng triathlon
上人头 xiàng shàng rén tóu head; neck (as in "to save one's neck", i.e. one's life)